Governor, slow down the CO2 pipeline approval process

  • Tim Baughman lives in Crawford County. His land is affected by the planned Summit Carbon Solutions pipeline.

To Gov. Kim Reynolds:

Please allow Iowa to be “a place where families thrive, businesses grow, and government is responsive to the people.”

The debacle of the Summit hazardous CO2 pipeline lies squarely on your shoulders. You took an oath to protect the citizens of Iowa against dangerous consequences. In regard to the installation of hazardous CO2 pipelines, the word “Hazardous” should compel you to consider all of the safety aspects of this project and potential risks it will pose to the citizens of Iowa regardless of the time it may take.

Your appointed Iowa Utilities Board is fast tracking the hearing schedule ahead two to six months and then casting their own protocol to the wind by ordering the Exhibit H landowners to defend their landowner rights against a proposed hazardous CO2 pipeline that has not even been fully explained by Summit, the petitioner of the permit. Summit was still sending out survey letters this month. This is ridiculous! It appears you are intentionally allowing the stacking of the deck in favor of a construction project that has no proof of achieving its desired outcome. Summit doesn’t even know if it is transporting liquid or supercritical CO2. How can we trust it with the stewardship of our land?


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