What really ought to be banned in NJ

Government is great at forcing you to do things and dressing it up pretty like they’re doing you a favor. Bans seldom feel OK.

Did you know this week the incandescent lightbulb was just banned from being sold in the United States? If you still have them you can use them, but as far as buying new ones, no way. You now need to buy LED bulbs. Yes, they last longer, but they can be three and a half times more expensive.

LED Light Bulb (Photo: Canva)

LED Light Bulb (Photo: Canva)

In New Jersey, it’s been more than a year since they banned single-use plastic bags (My small bathroom trash can needs a liner and my dog pooping would argue they are not single-use). Just today, I overheard a conversation between a store clerk and two customers all bitching about the new law, and pointing out several areas where it was short-sighted.

Plastic Bag (Photo: Dennis Malloy, Townsquare Media)

Plastic Bag (Photo: Dennis Malloy, Townsquare Media)

Bans don’t feel good. Usually because they’re banning things most people still want; like gas stoves.

But what if they banned the right things?

Here’s a list of things NJ could ban that everyone would support:

(Photo: Diego Carneiro, Unsplash)

(Photo: Diego Carneiro, Unsplash)

Leaving your car at the pump while you go inside the convenience store to shop.

(Photo: Melanie Pongrat, Unsplash)

(Photo: Melanie Pongrat, Unsplash)

Slowing down the line behind you by paying in exact change. “Hold on, I think I have a nickel somewhere.”

(Photo: Yeonhee, Unsplash)

(Photo: Yeonhee, Unsplash)

Stepping off at the top of a crowded escalator then stopping cold.

(Photo: Associated Press (2021))

(Photo: Associated Press (2021))

Fast food drive-thru workers asking for your order before your car is even stopped at the speaker.

(Photo: LinkedIn Sales Solutions, Unsplash)

(Photo: LinkedIn Sales Solutions, Unsplash)

Actually telling someone when they ask, “How you doing?” It just means hi. Keep your mouth shut.

(Photo: Andrew Spencer, Unsplash)

(Photo: Andrew Spencer, Unsplash)

Getting into an elevator before waiting to see if anyone already in the elevator is getting out.

(Photo: Frank McKenna, Unsplash)

(Photo: Frank McKenna, Unsplash)

Not giving an acknowledgment wave when someone was kind enough to let you into traffic.

(Photo: Robinson Greig, Unsplash)

(Photo: Robinson Greig, Unsplash)

Blocking other customers in a grocery store aisle when having a reunion with a friend.

(Photo: Simon Kadula, Unsplash)

(Photo: Simon Kadula, Unsplash)

Arguing over a 10 cents off deal with a cashier when people are waiting behind you.

A busy Belmar beach (Photo: Bud McCormick, Townsquare Media)

A busy Belmar beach (Photo: Bud McCormick, Townsquare Media)

Setting up your spot on the beach within ten feet of someone when there’s plenty of other space.

LOOK: Here are the pets banned in each state

Because the regulation of exotic animals is left to states, some organizations, including The Humane Society of the United States, advocate for federal, standardized legislation that would ban owning large cats, bears, primates, and large poisonous snakes as pets.

Read on to see which pets are banned in your home state, as well as across the nation.

Weird things NJ taxes – and some they don’t

In general, New Jersey assesses a 6.625% Sales Tax on sales of most tangible personal property, specified digital products, and certain services unless specifically exempt under New Jersey law.

However, the way the sales tax is applied in New Jersey sometimes just doesn’t make sense.

New Jersey puts out an itemized list for retailers that spells out what is, and what is not, taxed. 

Perhaps because this is New Jersey, there are some bizarre and seemingly contradictory listings. 

Opinions expressed in the post above are those of New Jersey 101.5 talk show host Jeff Deminski only.

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