Tuesday, August 1, 2023
8:30 o’clock a.m. Present were Chairman Fred M. Devish, Vice-Chairman Kelly B. Dennis, Member Bob Latham and County Clerk Melissa Jones.
The Pledge of Allegiance was recited to the Flag.
Dan Thomas, County Assessor explained the mill levy to the Board. Bob moved to order the following mill levy on all Crook County property as authorized by law as presented by Dan Thomas, County Assessor:
COUNTY VALUATION: $328,116,073
COUNTY VALUATION – as fixed by State Board
State Taxes Levied 12.0 $3,937,393
County Taxes Levied 12.0 $3,937,393
School District Taxes Levied 31.5 $10,335,656
Crook County Medical Service District 3.0 $984,348
Crook County Weed & Pest 1.0 $328,116
Crook County W & P Special Management 1.0 $328,116
Crook County Museum District 1.0 $328,116
Crook County Senior Citizens Services District 1.0 $328,116
Total County Mill Levy 0100 Tax District 62.5 $20,822,667
Municipal Levies
Town of Pine Haven 0108 Tax District District Valuation $8,412,562
Number of Mills Levied: 8 Taxes Levied: $67,300
Town of Hulett 0150 Tax District District Valuation $5,951,769
Number of Mills Levied: 8 Taxes Levied: $47,614
Town of Moorcroft 0151 Tax District District Valuation $8,444,288
Number of Mills Levied: 8 Taxes Levied: $67,554
City of Sundance 0152 Tax District District Valuation $16,618,303
Number of Mills Levied: 8 Taxes Levied: $132,946
Total Municipal Mills Levied: 70.5 $21,138,081
Tax Districts not requesting mills (0100 Tax District):
0102 Vista West
0103 Aladdin Water District
0105 Tower Ridge Estates
0106 Sundance Canyon Ranch
0109 Kara Circle & Windy Way Serv & Imp District
9901 Crook County Irrigation District
N/A Crook County Natural Resource District
Kelly seconded, all ayes, motion carried.
Kelly moved to approve and ratify the minutes from July 5, 11 & 12, 2023. Bob seconded, all ayes, motion carried.
Bob moved to approve the 2023 Addendum to the Joint Agreement to Take Advantage of an ESRI Small Government Enterprise Agreements with Town of Pine Haven, Town of Lusk, Weston County and Niobrara County. Kelly seconded, all ayes, motion carried.
Kelly moved to have the Chairman sign a Letter of Understanding regarding the contract for auditing services with
Leo Riley & Co. Bob seconded, all ayes, motion carried.
Bob moved to sign a Lease Agreement with Quadient Leasing for the lease of the postage meter. Kelly seconded, all ayes, motion carried.
Bob moved to approve the Official Bond and Oath for Rachel Mahoney as Treasurer for the Crook County
Promotion Board and for Bridget Helms as Treasurer for the Sundance Canyon Ranch Improvement and Service District. Kelly seconded, all ayes, motion carried.
Kelly moved for the Chairman to sign over a vehicle title on a 2007 Dodge which was traded to Quality Auto towards the Assessor’s new vehicle. Bob seconded all ayes motion carried.
Bob moved to sign a letter of support for a magistrate for Circuit Court. Kelly seconded, all ayes, motion carried.
The following bills were presented to the Board:
CLAIMANT-PURPOSE-$AMOUNT; Total Wages and Cell Phone Stipend–$263,895.06;AFLAC-Insurance-$2,851.55;Clerk of the District Court-Garnishment-$226.00;Col. Life & Accident Ins. Co.-Insurance-$26.40;Crook County Payroll Tax Account-Withholding & Social Security-$80,128.17;Great-West Trust Company, LLC-Deferred Compensation-$3,100.00;NCPERS Wyoming-Life Insurance-$144.00;New York Life Insurance Company-Life Insurance-$379.78;PA SCDU-Garnishment-$660.00;WY Department of Workforce Services-Worker’s Compensation-$5,559.19;Wyoming Retirement System-Retirement-$60,912.66;Wyoming Educator’s Benefit Trust-Health, Dental, Vision and Life Insurance-$77,788.28;21 Electric LLC-Parts & Labor-$6,861.47;A & B Business Inc-Copies-$579.89;Alsco-Shop & Courthouse Supplies-$332.09;American Tree and Forestry Care-Tree Care-$2,600.00;Animal Medical Center of Wyoming, LLC-K9 Medical-$133.69;April D. Gill-Cell Phone Reimbursement-$45.00;AT&T Mobility-Cell Phone-$687.74;Axis Forensic Toxicology Inc-Drug Panels-$564.00;Big Horn Tires Inc.-Parts & Labor-$244.52;Black Hills Chemical Co.-Courthouse Supplies-$1,034.38;Black Hills Energy-Electricity -$21.70;Blakeman Propane Inc-Propane-$386.43;Blue360 Media LLC-2023 WY Criminal and Traffic Law-$523.77;Bomgaars-Rubber Mats, Supplies-$526.24;Brannan Trucking Inc-Contract Hauling-$11,700.00;Carl’s Trailer Sales Inc.-Magnets-$465.96;CBH Co-op-Fuel-$17,426.12;CDS Supplies -Parts & Supplies-$242.01;Centurylink-E911 Telephone-$1,399.50;City of Gillette-Water-$7.50;City of Sundance-Water-$1,948.74;Civil Air Patrol Magazine-Subscription-$145.00;Clarine Knighten-Fuel – Coroner Conference-$45.92;Collins Communications-Fire Alarm Monitoring, Parts & Labor-$2,521.00;Croell Inc-Road Base -$864.13;Crook County Medical Services Dist.-Prisoner Meals & Foods, Employee Physical-$5,306.13;Crook County Natural Resource District-County Funding-$17,500.00;Crook County Treasurer-Postage-$278.80;Custom Auto & Truck-Service, Parts, Repairs -$1,628.28;David Osborne-Mileage-$43.23;Decker’s Market-Supplies-$69.05;Deere Credit Inc-Lease – Dozer-$29,698.24;Douglas E Leis-Meal-$83.21;Dru Consulting LLC-Consulting Services -$1,375.00;Election Systems & Software-Service Contract-$21,140.00;Elite Edge Firearms Training & Tactics-Training-$470.00;Environmental Systems Research Inst.-Software/Maintenance-$28,400.00;Floyds Truck Center WY-Parts-$824.99;Gene’s Lock Shop-Repairs-$175.00;Glacier Gravel LLC-Washed Rock-$384.00;Global Heat Transfer of Wy, Inc.-Radiator-$729.95;Grimm’s Pump & Industrial Supply-Parts-$681.72;Grossenburg Implement Inc-Parts-$90.60;Hollaway Bridge & Culvert Inc-Arch Creek Bridge Replacement-$237,862.46;Humphrey Law LLC-Court Appointed Attorney Fees-$856.01;Inland Truck Parts & Service-Parts-$3,388.60;Integritas Forum LLC-Parts & Supplies-$1,284.04;Jagow Enterprises Inc-Contract Hauling-$7,644.98;Jeffrey Hodge-Cell Phone Reimbursement-$45.00;Jennifer Glenn-Postage-$32.80;Jordan Ann & Chancy Miller-Water Access-$1,200.00;Karen’s Delivery Co.-Deliveries-$90.00;KC Transport, Inc.-Contract Hauling-$5,539.99;Kelly B. Dennis-Mileage-$188.64;Kimball Midwest-Parts-$125.00;KLH Consulting Inc-Server, Computer Services-$37,252.03;Klocker Trucking-Contract Hauling-$2,968.75;Knecht Home Center of Spearfish LLC-Tools-$50.52;Lakeview Wash & Storage-Car Washes-$207.81;Lee Habeck-Gravel-$325.00;Lubnau Law-Court Appointed Attorney Fees-$130.00;Marco Technologies LLC-Copy / Maint Fees-$64.49;Max Robert Masters-GIS Consulting & Mapping Contract-$3,400.00;Meadowlark Counseling-Employee Exam-$1,125.00;MG Oil Company-Parts-$501.96;Motorola Solutions, Inc.-Evidence Library-$336.42;NAE4HA-Annual Conference Registration-$475.00;Plainsman Printing, Inc-Supplies-$285.15;Powder River Energy Corp.-Electricity -$5,174.23;Powder River Power, Div of Purvis-Parts-$371.99;Princeton Health Press-Books-$4,125.00;Quadient Finance USA Inc-Postage-$4,000.00;Quadient Leasing USA Inc-Postage Machine Lease-$403.02;Quality Agg & Construction, Inc-J Base, L Grading-$23,150.12;Quality Auto Gillette-Toyota 4Runner-Assessor Vehicle-$39,941.00;Quill Corporation-Supplies, Printer-$293.74;Range Telephone Cooperative Inc-Telephone-$6,832.76;Raquel Croell-County Website Maintenance-$500.00;Record Supply Inc-Parts-$112.36;RG Trucking-Contract Hauling -$5,990.83;Robert’s Machine & Repair-Parts & Labor-$150.00;Rolling Metal Sinclair-Fuel-$72.56;Sara Fleenor-Meals-$35.76;Scott Peterson Motors Inc-Parts-$248.06;Shawn Fligge-Detour Area Damages-$1,000.00;Sierra Design Signs-Logo & Seals-$175.23;State of Wyoming-Archives-$10.46;Sundance Hardware & Sporting Goods-Parts & Supplies-$836.76;Sundance Times-Notary Stamps, Ads, Legal-$3,621.93;Svoboda Trucking -Contract Hauling-$6,806.89;Sylvestri Customization -Monthly Website Maint., Graphic Design & Social Media-$600.00;The Home Depot Pro-Chest Freezer-$1,058.00;Timberline Services Inc.-Backhoe & Operator, Contract Hauling-$5,358.09;Top Office Products, Inc.-Copies-$190.31;Town of Hulett-Water-$62.30;Town of Moorcroft-Water-$67.69;Tracy Motor Company-Parts & Supplies-$6,361.74;Tyler Technologies, Inc.-Support, Database, Maintenance Plans-$33,649.71;US Post Office-Box Rent-$152.00;Verizon Connect Fleet USA LLC-Support-$99.50;Vilas Pharmacy-Supplies-$11.96;Visa-Adobe, Internet, Supplies, Medical Supplies, Travel Expenses, Jail Cable, Ad, Parts & Labor, Postage, Straight Talk, Vacuum-$13,710.01;Visionary Broadband-Internet Service-$977.77;Wells Plumbing & Farm Supply-Parts-$227.73;Wendy Depina-Mileage-$43.23;Western Stationers-Office Supplies-$168.92;Whalen Consult LLC-Consulting Services -$713.90;Windstream-Telephone-$147.10;WLEA-Advtrng-Peace Officer Criminal Law & Procedures-$675.00;WY Department of Workforce Services-Worker’s Compensation-$379.53;WY Retirement System-Firemen’s Retirement-$450.00;WY State Forestry Division -Parts-$1,138.16;WYDOT-Financial Services-Project Expenditures-$953.42;Wyoming County Commissioners Association-FY24 Dues-$9,805.00;Wyoming Educator’s Benefit Trust-Cobra VSP-$10.58;Wyoming Machinery Company-Parts & Labor-$6,927.85;Wyoming State Engineer’s Office-2 New Permits, 6 Renewals-$400.00;Total-$1,149,427.94;
Kelly moved to allow all bills as presented. Bob seconded, all ayes, motion carried.
Bob moved to approve the Fiscal Year 2024 Contract for Services to Victims of Crime Between the State of Wyoming, Office of the Attorney General, Division of Victim Services and Crook County Attorney Victim Witness Program, for the VOCA & Victim Witness grants. Kelly seconded, all ayes, motion carried.
Bob moved to approve the following additional catering permits for rally week:
Buffalo Jump Hospitality Partners LLC dba Sand Creek Trading Post: August 10-12, 2023
Kelly seconded, all ayes, motion carried.
Bob moved to sign Memorandum of Understanding with not-for-Profit Service Providers with:
Crook County Family Violence and Sexual Assault Services
Volunteers of America Northern Rockies
Kelly seconded, all ayes, motion carried.
Kelly moved for the Chairman to write a letter of support for the City of Sundance on their fire building extension, based on the chairman’s assessment of the request, and for the Clerk to use the Board’s signature stamps on said letter. Bob seconded, all ayes, motion carried.
Dan Thomas, County Assessor, presented the following tax roll addition: 2023-0331. Kelly moved to approve the tax addition as presented. Bob seconded, all ayes, motion carried.
Dan Thomas, County Assessor, Julie Altaffer, Clerk of District Court, Tammy Jundt, County Treasurer and Joseph Baron, County Attorney, were present to go over items of interest within their departments.
Dan Thomas, County Assessor: Last month I attended the WCAA summer meetings in Rock Springs. We learned that during the WACO meeting this September there will be more information from the Acquisition tax study. Also, the Chapter 19 rules of the Department of Revenue have been completed and later signed by the Governor. During the summer meetings we toured an underground Trona mine. Sisecam was the name of the mine, and we were 800’ below the Green River. We are continuing the County Sweep reviews in Sundance and will begin strictly new construction reviews towards the middle of this month as we have well over 250 new construction reviews to complete so far. There were 31 deeds of change of ownership last month, which is 30 less than last year at this time. The mill levy report was completed and approved by the Commissioners today. I will send all necessary paperwork for the mill levy and the Veteran’s exemptions reimbursement.
Melissa Jones, County Clerk: Office made 352 titles and recorded 366 documents. Finalized budget figures, created the new fiscal year and rolled over the expenditures and payroll figures, gathered and distributed Mill Levy requests, published wages as per statute, working on fixed assets as well as Clerk’s inventory list, mailed out liquor license renewals, tracking last of the paperwork due from special districts, receiving and processing BOE paperwork, participated in a WARN drill with Public Health, submitted for the second round of LATCF funding, gathering fiscal year information requested sent to auditor, attended Compensation Committee meeting & Department Head meeting, served breakfast at the fair.
Joseph M. Baron, County Attorney: Criminal Cases in the past month: New Cases:48 Closed Cases: 67 Current Case Load: 115 In Court: 49 times Juvenile Cases: 25 cases involving minors in Juvenile Court or Diversion. Civil work. Answered easement questions. Reviewed IT Contract with KLH. Attended LECC in Lander for training, LUP&Z meeting for zoning discussion and changes in subdivision rules. Advise law enforcement officers. Trained staff at CCMSD concerning Title 25 involuntary hospitalizations. Gave opinions concerning County Clerk’s duties, Commissioners duties as relating to budget, discussed a Large Acreage Subdivision Regulation allowing for the use of the boundary line exemptions. Reviewed Applications for the uses of Opioid Settlement Funds. Prepared notice for the South Mountain Road No. 281 vacation, and reviewed land records for notice with Road and Bridge Secretary and mailing with the County Clerk. Worked with Assessor on CBOE matters.
Tammy Jundt, County Treasurer: Total receipts were $1,739,675.60 and disbursements to the county, county boards, towns and schools were $1,681,463.32. In July we did 1,772 transactions. Completed and submitted the WDE160 report to Wyoming Department of Education. Rolled over funds and the estimated revenue to the new fiscal year. Invested the PILT funds of $874,551.00 that we received the end of June with Wyoming Class. Completed and submitted the 12 Mill report for the schools to the State Auditor’s office. Entered the Treasurer’s portion for the County Road Construction and Maintenance Fund annual report and gave Sam with Road & Bridge a copy. Last Friday I participated in cooking and serving breakfast at the fair.
Julie Altaffer, Clerk of the District Court: Total Receipts: $5,259.95 with $2,992.50 to the County 5 new case filings 42 record searches 7 new passports and assisted 8 customers with renewal passports/photos 2 criminal appeals in process Passport applications are on the rise, so we are staying busy with helping customers apply for both new and renewal passports and photos, along with the day-to-day work on our open cases. We both completed online security training for our Child Support Program. I attended a special budget meeting with the County Commissioners, an online FCE Meeting, a JBI (Judicial Branch Innovation) Task Force Listening Session via teams, a Child Support Authority Board Meeting in Gillette, an Employee Compensation Committee Meeting, the Department Heads Meeting and helped serve breakfast at the fair.
County Commissioners: Kelly: Represented the County at Jim Pridgeon’s services, attended the Grossenburg dance, covered some county roads, conversations with Larry & Morgan, most roads are good and getting good comments on them. Bob: Fielded questions on Mag on roads, spent the week at fair, helping with the auction & announcing and serving at the Elected Official breakfast. Fred: conversations with resident concerned about Fish Fire charges, had conversations with Morgan and Larry, conversations with residents on roads, went to fair a couple days and served at the Elected Official breakfast, working on the assessment on City of Sundance grant request.
Dan Thomas, County Assessor, presented the following tax roll correction: R0000466. Kelly moved to approve the tax correction as presented. Bob seconded, all ayes, motion carried.
The following monthly collections were collected:
County Clerk $13,683.75
County Sheriff $34,503.62
Clerk of District Court $2,992.50
Public Health (June) $3,233.24
Tammy Jundt, County Treasurer submitted the following monthly report of receipts and disbursements for month end July 2023:
Receipts: Property Tax $ 665,014.67
Sales Tax $ 170,069.10
Misc Receipts $ 714,802.30
County Auto $ 189,789.53
Total $ 1,739,675.60
Disbursements: Towns $ 120,332.08
County Boards/Districts $ 240,219.79
State & Local School $ 1,084,092.38
DOT/DOR/Rebate $ 236,819.07
Redemption $ –
Total $ 1,681,463.32
Investments: Sundance State Bank $ –
Wyo-Star $ 424,897.26 $ 1,359.30 June Interest
Wyoming Class $ 3,131,416.63 $ 12,976.61 June Interest
Alex Jessen, Chairman, Tammy Jundt and Morgan Ellsbury, Members and via conference call Tina Wood, Member, Compensation Committee, gave a monthly report. Also present were Julie Altaffer, Larry Schommer and Joe Baron.
Bob moved for the chairman to sign a Standard Form Agreement Between Crook County and Arete Design Group, LLC on the Courthouse Basement Remodel. Kelly seconded, all ayes, motion carried.
Kelly moved appoint Morgan as the CMAQ organizer and to approve the following resolution:
WHEREAS, Crook County has identified a need for additional funding for dust mitigation for the safety and health of the residents of Crook County; and
WHEREAS, Congestion Mitigation/Air Quality (CMAQ) Grant Funds are available through the Wyoming Department of Transportation in Fiscal Year 2024 to address the dust problems on County Roads; and
WHEREAS, Crook County will, if approved for funding, be able to suppress dust on approximately forty-one (41) non-consecutive miles of county roads, listed in the following order of priority:
County Road #49, Banks Road – 3.75 miles; County Road #247, Clark Road – 1.45 miles; County Road #129, Sand Creek Road – 1.2 miles; County Road #195, Homestake Road – 0.25 mile; County Road #103, Shipwheel Road – 2.75 miles; County Road #116, Cabin Creek Road – 3.1 miles; County Road #68, D Road – 18 miles; County Road #266, Miller Creek Road – 2.5 miles; County Road #12, Bertha Road – 3.5 miles; County Road #249, Government Valley Road – 4.5 miles:
WHEREAS the application for the CMAQ grant request must be submitted by August 15, 2023; and
WHEREAS, the Board of County Commissioners have determined this use of CMAQ funding for dust mitigation will benefit the safety and health of the residents of Crook County;
THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of County Commissioners in and for Crook County that Crook County shall file an application requesting $242,457.60 with the Wyoming Department of Transportation for a CMAQ Grant for applying magnesium chloride to certain County Roads within Crook County;
Please indicate the amount of the local match and completion date in the resolution:
WHEREAS, Crook County acknowledges that if funded, the CMAQ project shall be completed prior to December 31, 2026;
WHEREAS, the governing body for Crook County agrees to set aside a minimum of $60,614.00 as a line item in its budget for the required twenty percent (20%) local cash match on the project;
IT IS FURTHER RESOLVED that Morgan Ellsbury, Road & Bridge Superintendent is authorized to execute, and the Clerk to attest to, any agreement or application on behalf of Crook County.
Motion made, seconded and carried in an open meeting on August 1, 2023.
Board of County Commissioners in and for Crook County, Wyoming by Fred M. Devish, Chairman, Kelly B. Dennis, Vice-Chairman and Bob Latham, Member.
State of Wyoming }
County of Crook }
Signed or attested before me on August 1, 2023, by Fred M. Devish, Chairman, Kelly B. Dennis, Vice-Chairman, and Bob Latham, Member, Board of Crook County Commissioners in and for Crook County, Wyoming.
Melissa Jones, Crook County Clerk
Bob seconded, all ayes, motion carried.
Larry Schommer, Facilities Maintenance Supervisor, gave a monthly report.
Laramie & Cheyenne Seymour were present to discuss their insurance claim being denied by the County liability insurance after of one their calves was hit by a county truck on a County Road. Also present were Morgan Ellsbury, Sarah Pridgeon, Eric Akola, Scott Pomerenke, Greg Mehall, Larry Schommer and Joe Baron.
Kelly moved to pay fair market value for the cost of the calf to come out of the County’s miscellaneous budget. Bob seconded, all ayes, motion carried.
Eric Akola, Scott Pomerenke & Greg Mehall were present to discuss Old Sundance Road No. 93. They would like a quarter of a mile of unmaintained road to be maintained. Also present were Sarah Pridgeon, Morgan Ellsbury and Joe Baron. At this time the County is not able to add that portion of road to what is considered County Maintained Roads.
Adjourned for lunch at 12:19 o’clock p.m.
1:00 o’clock p.m. Present were Chairman Fred M. Devish, Vice-Chairman Kelly B. Dennis, Member Bob Latham and County Clerk Melissa Jones.
Carol Stutzman, Nurse Manager, County Public Health gave a monthly report.
Tim Lyons, Planning Director, and Caleb Peters, Wastewater Specialist, gave a monthly report.
Charlie Harrison, County Fire Warden, Doug Leis, Deputy County Fire Warden, and Ed Robinson, Homeland Security County Coordinator gave their monthly reports. Also present were Dallas Rolf and Joe Baron.
Bob moved to approve the following resolution:
WHEREAS, severe to extreme fire situation exists throughout Crook County, created by a heavy fuel load and dry summer conditions, that could create situations that over-extend the firefighting capability of local government; and,
WHEREAS, Wyoming Statute 35-9-301 through 304 and Wyoming Board of Land Commissioners Rules and Regulations Chapter 9 Governing Fire Danger Closures provides that upon the recommendation of the County Fire Warden, the Board of Crook County Commissioners may close the unincorporated area of the county with certain exceptions, to any form of use by the public or limit such use which shall include the prohibition of any type of open fire for such periods of time as the Board may deem necessary and proper; and
WHEREAS, the County Fire Warden, Doug Leis has recommended that open burning restrictions be imposed throughout the county after a reasonable time of notice; and
WHEREAS Wyoming Statutes 35-10-201 through 208 allow for the regulation of fireworks; and
WHEREAS, any violation of this resolution may be in violation of W.S. 35-9-304 punishable by up to 30 days in jail and up to a $100.00 fine or both together with possible restitution for the cost of fire suppression and damages to others caused by the violation of this resolution; and
WHEREAS, this open burning restriction and ban on the use of fireworks shall begin immediately until rescinded by the Board unless temporarily lifted or imposed by the County Fire Warden.
NOW THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED THAT THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS HEREBY RESOLVES on this date to immediately impose Stage 1 Burn Restrictions as follows:
1. Stage 1 Restrictions:
(i) Discharge of fireworks, exploding target devices and all outdoor fires are prohibited in unimproved areas.
(ii) Only campfires at residences or campsites, within a fire ring centered within a minimum of a 15ft. cleared radius of burnable materials are permitted.
(iii) Trash or refuse fires between the hours of 6:00 p.m. and 8:00 a.m., inside containers provided with spark arresters and located within a cleared radius of a minimum of 15ft. of burnable materials are permitted.
(iv) Charcoal fires within enclosed grills are permitted.
(v) Use of acetylene cutting torches, electric arc welders, or metal grinding in a cleared radius of 15ft. burnable materials are permitted.
(vi) The use of portable stoves, lanterns using gas, jellied petroleum, pressurized liquid fuel or fully enclosed (sheepherder type) stove and open fire branding activities in a cleared radius of 15ft of burnable materials are permitted.
2. All other open burning or outdoor fires are prohibited except as set forth above or authorized by a permit granted by the County Fire Warden. Applications for a Burn Permit are available from the County Fire Warden. If the County Fire Warden denies the Application, the matter may be appealed to the Board of County Commissioners at their next regular monthly meeting by contacting the County Clerk. The County Fire Warden shall have the authority to determine the terms and conditions of the permit including requirements for proof of liability insurance with a minimum $5 million-dollar general liability policy and a personal agreement to accept total financial responsibility for the cost of firefighting and any damages caused by the fire.
3. The ban does not include the listed exceptions set forth in Wyoming Statute 35-10-204, the areas within the incorporated cities and towns within Crook County, or federal lands managed by the Forest Service, Devils Tower National Monument, and BLM. These entities may impose more or less restrictive regulations. The Board of County Commissioners strongly recommend that the above listed agencies ban the sale and discharge of fireworks in their jurisdictions. If permitted, there is no guarantee that County fire units will be able to respond for assistance.
4. The following persons are exempt from the restrictions, and closure orders:
(a) Any federal, state, or local officers engaged in fire, emergency, and law enforcement activities.
(b) Any member of rescue or firefighting force engaged in performance of an official duty.
(c) Exceptions to these restrictions and closures can be made in writing by the appropriate jurisdictional entity.
5. NOTICES The County Fire Warden shall immediately provide a copy of this Resolution to the Wyoming State Forester, County Sheriff, State Land Commissioners, Bureau of Land Management, National Park Service, Keyhole State Park and other state and federal agencies.
6. PUBLIC NOTICES The County Fire Warden shall immediately post the fire ban signs throughout the county and notify the public through advertisement in each newspaper published in the County, by press release to the Radio and TV stations broadcasting within Crook County, by the Public Alert system, the WYDOT 511 system, County Web Site Facebook and any other method that would economically notify the public.
7. If any portion of this resolution is ruled to be not effective by a court the remaining portion of this resolution shall remain in effect.
8. The County Fire Warden has the authority to temporarily lift and or reimpose this Burn Restriction and shall provide notice as set forth in paragraph 5 and 6 above until rescinded by the Board unless temporarily lifted or reimposed by the County Fire Warden during that term.
Dated this 1st day of August 2023.
Board of County Commissioners in and for Crook County, Wyoming by Fred M. Devish, Chairman, Kelly B. Dennis, Vice-Chairman and Bob Latham, Member.
State of Wyoming }
County of Crook }
Signed or attested before me on August 1, 2023, by Fred M. Devish, Chairman, Kelly B. Dennis, Vice-Chairman, and Bob Latham, Member, Board of Crook County Commissioners in and for Crook County, Wyoming.
Melissa Jones, Crook County Clerk
Kelly seconded, all ayes, motion carried.
Tom Overstreet, KLH, was present, via Teams, to give a monthly IT update. Also present were Julie Altaffer, Ed Robinson, Tammy Jundt and Joe Baron.
Dallas Rolf was present to discuss the relocation of Beaver Creek County Road No. 216.
Bob moved to approve two (2) Annual Compensation Agreements with the University of Wyoming for the
positions of the Extension Secretary and the 4-H Youth Development position. Kelly seconded, all ayes, motion
Present for the hearing to vacate a portion of Public Road No. 281, known as the South Mountain Road, was Joe Baron. No oral or written objections were received.
Bob moved to approve the following resolution:
WHEREAS the Board of County Commissioners accepted a Petition filed by Jeffrey Hare and others to vacate a portion of a public road, known as the South Mountain Road File No. 281 on the Map of Survey recorded at Instrument No. 518315 located at Rod 22 Map 1220 (formerly File 311 Map 1220 as altered in Resolution No. 2022-11 as shown on the Map of Survey recorded at Instrument No. 676793 Rod No. 27 Map 1633 located on the following described property, to-wit:
SECTION 24: SE1/4SE1/4; SW1/4SE1/4; NW1/4SE1/4
SECTION 25: N1/2NE1/4
WHEREAS an agreement was entered into for Jeffrey Hare to pay for the costs to commence proceedings to determine whether or not to alter the public road;
WHEREAS Wyoming Statute 34-12-106 through 111 require that any public road be altered or vacated in a manner provided by law for the alteration or discontinuance of highways and such laws are set forth at Wyoming Statute 24-3-101, et sec., that allows for the establishment, alteration, and/or vacation of County roads;
WHEREAS a viewer was appointed pursuant to Wyoming Statute 24-3-105 and 106 who filed a written report with the Board recommending the public road known as the South Mountain Road be vacated as petitioned;
WHEREAS the Board resolved in Resolution No. 2023-12 to commence proceedings to vacate said public road;
WHEREAS on June 29, 2023, the County Clerk sent copies of the Petition to Vacate the Public Road with attached maps, Resolution No. 2023-12 To Commence Proceedings to vacate a portion of a Public Road, the Notice of Hearing, and the Viewer’s Oath and Report by U.S. Mail, certified, return receipt requested to all parties having an interest in the land over which the road is proposed to be vacated as required by W.S. 24-3-110;
WHEREAS the Notice of Hearing was published in the Sundance Times, a newspaper of general circulation in Crook County, Wyoming for two (2) consecutive weeks on July 6 and 13, 2023, and also published on the county website under Public Notices at as required by W.S. 24-3-110;
WHEREAS it was determined that a portion of said road needed altered to provide legal access across the NW1/4NE1/4 of Section 25 T 51 N, R 63 W to the SW1/4SE1/4 of Section 24 T 51 N, R 63 W and all of the landowners whose land the alteration of said road goes across consented to said road being altered in their signed Petitions;
WHEREAS no objection was filed in writing with the County Clerk of Crook County at P. O. Box 37 Sundance, WY 82729 on or before noon on the 28th day of July, 2023, and no objection was made at the hearing held August 1, 2023 at 3:30 p.m.;
THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED AND ORDERED by the Board of County Commissioners in and for Crook County, Wyoming that:
1. A portion of a public road known as the South Mountain Road located at File No. 281 on the Map of Survey recorded at Instrument No. 518315 located at Rod 22 Map 1220 (formerly File 311 Map 1220) as altered in Resolution No. 2022-11 as shown on the Map of Survey recorded at Instrument No. 676793 Rod No. 27 Map 1633 is vacated, altered and established as described below and located on the following described property, to-wit:
SECTION 24: SE1/4SE1/4; SW1/4SE1/4; NW1/4SE1/4
SECTION 25: N1/2NE1/4
The portion vacated (abandoned) is set forth in two (2) separate legal descriptions on page two (2) and as shown on the attached Map of Survey ID 21772 consisting of two (2) pages and is shown as the “66’ Public Road and Utility Easement as shown on Document No. 518315 to be Abandoned”; and
The portion altered and established is set forth and as shown on the attached Map of Survey ID 21772 consisting of two (2) pages and is shown as the “New 66’ Public Road and Utility Easement,” however the owner of the SW1/4SE1/4 of Section 24 T 51 N, R 63 W is responsible for any changes to the existing cattleguards, fences and other improvements; and
2. This Resolution shall be recorded in the land records with the Crook County Clerk, Sundance, WY and the term VACATED and ALTERED the recording information of this resolution shall be written on Instrument No. 518315 with reference to the recording data of the portions altered, vacated and established as indicated.
Dated this 1st day of August 2023.
Board of County Commissioners in and for Crook County, Wyoming by Fred M. Devish, Chairman, Kelly B. Dennis, Vice-Chairman and Bob Latham, Member.
State of Wyoming }
County of Crook }
Signed or attested before me on August 1, 2023, by Fred M. Devish, Chairman, Kelly B. Dennis, Vice-Chairman, and Bob Latham, Member, Board of Crook County Commissioners in and for Crook County, Wyoming.
Melissa Jones, Crook County Clerk
Kelly seconded, all ayes, motion carried.
The meeting adjourned at 3:53 o’clock p.m.
Wednesday, August 2, 2023
8:30 o’clock a.m. Present were Chairman Fred M. Devish, Vice-Chairman Kelly B. Dennis, Member Bob Latham and County Clerk Melissa Jones.
The Pledge of Allegiance was recited to the Flag.
Josh Jundt, Resident Engineer, Wyoming Department of Transportation (WYDOT), gave an update on bridge and road projects.
Eli Gill, Part-time Maintenance, Facilities and Morgan Ellsbury, Road and Bridge Superintendent gave monthly reports.
Present for opening of the property insurance bids were Morgan Ellsbury and via Teams, Ray Gallegos, Account Executive, HUB international. The only bid received was from HUB International Insurance. After discussion, Kelly moved to approve the proposal from HUB International for $96,337. Bob seconded, all ayes, motion carried.
John Rasmussen & Angel Fajardo were present to discuss an extension on their liquor license.
Julian Byrd, Owner, and Jonah Mago, Manager, Devils Tower Tipi Camping, were present to express their concerns with property being developed near their business.
Alycia Conroy-Davis, Supervisor, Crook County Weed & Pest, Patrick Champa, District Ranger, Bearlodge Ranger District, and Bridget Helms, Office Manager, CCNRD gave monthly reports.
Kelly moved to sign a letter of support for Crook County Weed & Pest to receive additional funding from the State of Wyoming to control noxious weeds in Crook County. Bob seconded, all ayes, motion carried.
Kelly moved to make the following appointment:
Thomas Ferrell- Weed & Pest-Area 3 Board Member – Four Year Term
Bob seconded, all ayes, motion carried.
The following monthly collections were collected:
Circuit Court $16,149.00
Recessed at 11:43 o’clock a.m.
5:00 o’clock p.m. Present were Chairman Fred M. Devish, Vice-Chairman Kelly B. Dennis, Member Bob Latham and County Clerk Melissa Jones.
Chad Krause, Field Manager, Newcastle Field Office, BLM, gave a presentation on the Newcastle & Nebraska Resource Management Review.
The meeting adjourned at 6:37 o’clock p.m. to meet in regular session on September 5 & 6, 2023 at 8:30 o’clock a.m., in the Commissioner’s Room at the Courthouse in Sundance, Wyoming.
Fred M. Devish, Chairman Kelly B. Dennis, Vice-Chairman
Bob Latham, Member Attested: Melissa Jones, County Clerk
Publish: August 10, 2023